与冠词原则类似,介词原则是指:在空格前或空格后若有介词,则在对应原文的答案前后也很可能有介词。与冠词原则类似,介词原则也不要求介词一定要一致。以C4T3P3为例,第37题A linguist can use a corpus to comment objectively on 37 ………… .利用定位词linguist和corpus定位至原文语句A corpus enables the linguist to make unbiased statements about frequency of usage, and it provides accessible data for the use of different researchers,找到名词前的介词about,因此定位答案frequency of usage。介词原则的适用性比冠词原则要弱。在空格前出现了介词的填空题中,约有70%左右的题目符合介词原则。这主要是由于考官进行的同义替换造成的。若考官将题中的不及物动词替换为了及物动词,那么介词原则也就不再正确了。
介词原则与冠词原则是可以同时使用的。仍以C4T3P3为例,第38题Some corpora include a wide range of language while others are used to focus on a 38 ………… .定位回到原文语句others are extremely selective, providing a collection of material that deals only with a particular linguistic feature,利用冠词原则找到collection of material与particular linguistic feature,再利用介词原则,就直接得到正确答案particular linguistic feature。
冠词原则是指:在填空题的空格前,若有冠词(a an the),则在答案对应的名词前也极有可能有一个冠词。以C5T1P1为例,第5题Johnson did not have a 5 ………… available to him, but eventually produced definitions of in excess of 40,000 words……注意到空格前有冠词a,利用定位词40,000定位至文章原文filling about eighty large notebooks (and without a library to hand), Johnson wrote the definitions of over 40,000 words……可观察到只有library与definitions两个词前有冠词,而能冠以a的则只有library,成功定位答案。注意冠词原则并非指冠词一定要完全匹配,而仅仅是要求答案前必须要有一个冠词,至于是否与题中冠词一致则不确定。以C7T1P1为例,第13题The word 'echolocation' was first used by someone working as a………………… . 以带引号词 'echolocation' 为定位词定位至文章中句子The American zoologist Donald Griffin, who was largely responsible for the discovery of sonar in bats, coined the term 'echolocation' to cover both sonar and radar, whether used by animals or by human instruments. 可以发现这里的冠词并不一致。在现有的资料中,冠词原则几乎接近真理:在剑桥雅思系列中,只有剑5上1题、剑8上3题、剑9上1题不符合冠词原则。从机经来看,现行考题题库中也有大量完全符合冠词原则的案例。
并列原则相对较易应用,主要是抓填空题结构中的并列关系。常见的并列关系考点词有and,or,as well as,both,not only……but also,other than,in addition,besides,on the one hand,neither……nor等。值得一提的是,在雅思阅读中,使用相同动词的一组名词也可作为并列关系存在。以C5T2P3为例,scientists worried that English had neither the 30 ………… nor the 31 ………… to express their ideas……30题与31题构成一对并列,对应原文找到两个使用相同动词的词First, it lacked the necessary technical vocabulary. Second, it lacked the grammatical resources required to……可知答案即为technical vocabulary与grammatical resources。在由剑桥大学国外考试部、剑桥大学出版社和新东方集团独家合作出版的《雅思官方指南》中,也出现了类似的使用相同动词表达并列关系的体现。
动词原则是最难使用的原则,一般用于冠词原则、介词原则无法解决的题目。动词原则的本质就是抓动词的对应性,猜测动词有相应的对应。以C9T4P1为例,第10题Marie and Irene Curie developed X-radiography which was used as a medical technique for 10……….,利用定位词X-radiography定位至原文语句……to the development of the use of X-radiography, including the mobile units which came to be known as ‘little curies’, used for the treatment of wounded soldiers,利用介词原则将答案锁定在treatment与soldiers之间,进一步判断就需要应用动词原则。由于题目与文中同时出现了动词used,因此判断used as a medical technique对应等于文中used for the treatment,因此排除法得出正确答案soldiers。