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作者:易考试吧 发布时间:2016-06-15 [手机版]

2006年职称英语等级考试试卷-综合类(B级) 第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每 题1分,共15分)


1 She was close to success. A fast B quick C near D tight 2 The two girls look alike. A beautiful B similar C pretty D attractive 3 The boy is intelligent A clever B naughty C difficult D active 4 Everybody was glad to see Mary back A sorry B sad C angry D happy 5 What is your goal in life? A plan B aim C arrangement D idea 6 Jack is a diligent student. A hardworking B ambitious C lazy D slow 7 Mary said mildly, that she was just curious A gently B shyly C weakly D wildly 8 Practically all animals communicate through sounds. A Clearly B Almost C Absolutely D Basically 9 The story was very touching. A inspiring B boring C moving D absorbing 10 I wasn't qualified for the job really, but I got it anyhow. A somehow B anyway C anywhere D somewhere 11 She was a puzzle. A girl B woman C problem D mystery

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